Life was never the same again...

July 17th 2003

I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now, nervous or anxious or excited or all mixed. I’m sitting in my window seat, watching the flight caterers push away the giant staircase(truck).

‘Mam!! Seat Belts please!’

Suddenly I hear a beautiful voice of the Airhostess telling me to wear my seat belts.. I try to do it myself, I'm panicking & my brain isn’t thinking straight. Women sitting next to me comes to my rescue ‘Let me help you dear!’ . It is embarrassing, I’m 21 and I’m going to US of A all alone to do my masters and I don’t know how to wear seat belts!!!

This is not my first flight.. I have been in flight once before to Delhi with my cousin. But this is different.. This is my first international flight, all alone, my way to experience freedom and Life.
If my grandma was alive this minute, she wouldn’t have believed I’m going to US of A to study.. But I’m sure she would be proud of me. I may not be a high-ranker but I have lot of dreams.. Dreams to standout and fly high..

Right now, I’m really flying high above the brightly lit city. I can see people shrink like ants, cars & trucks look more like toys zooming through the road...

 I’m not emotional to leave this country, don’t know why! is it weird to feel this way? Maybe I’m ready to face life on my own.. I tell myself ‘Life is not going to be the same again’.

‘Weather outside is 70 F , it’s going to be a warm day. On behalf of the crew, Thank you for flying with Lufthansa and we hope you fly with us again’ ..I wake up hearing the announcement. Wow! I am in US of A at last. It is a NEW beginning, new chapter in my life book.

Today March 2018:

Life was never the same again. I traveled many countries in the past 15 years, nothing can beat that feeling of freedom I had on my first trip.

So many people I met on the journey, I’m blessed to experience so many different culture and tradition.. More I travel, more I appreciate HOME. When a stranger comes and says ‘Namaste’ in other side of the world, I get goose bumps.

PC:Personal folder from someone I adore
More I travel to different countries, I realize we are all Humans after all, we all have same feeling, we all go through same family sentiments, emotions, love, failure, pain, fear.. No one is superior or inferior to anyone. It busted my ignorance on so many levels.. 

I learnt to pick ONLY positives in everything I see/from anyone I talk to.. Certainly travelling opened my heart and mind to accept things the way it is without any judgement..

I’m sure I’m not what I’m today if not for all the travel I did. Travelling to a new place certainly broadens one’s perspective.

Anytime I would SAY-YES to any new destination and I am always looking forward to plan my next trip. I tell my 20 yr. old self to travel alone once before she commits herself in a relationship just like she did 14 yrs back... Travelling alone must be in every girl’s must-to-do- list. 

First Flight is always special like any other #firsts we experience. My first flight #Lufthansa2SFO is always special to me. #sayYEStotheworld #Cheerstomoretravelstories


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