The Money Talk

I didn’t expect to have “Money talk” with my little Man this early... It happened yesterday with no signs or warning bells.. I wouldn’t say the talk went great, read till the end to see what happens..

A: Mom, where do you buy money?
Me: you can’t buy money baby..You need to work for it.
A:  No, but who gives you money?
Me: My boss
A: where does she get it?
Me: From her boss
A: so that boss has lots of money???
Me: No, he gets it from Bank
A: what happens if all the money in the world is gone
Me: they print new ones..
A: how?
Me: Banks have a printer to print money
A: oh yea, I have seen them..
I was confused and asked him
Me: where?
A: in my school office room, I have seen a copier machine!!!
Me: No, not that copier.. Banks have their own and that’s where Money gets printed..
A: Yea, I know.. I was just tricking you.. ha ha ha <Laughs uncontrollably)

I should’ve known this.. that’s Cheeky boy and poor me for you!!!

FYI, picture in this post is the real Money Printing machine.. Taken from Wikipedia..There we go, we learn something..  PC:


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