
Showing posts from August, 2023

Big M and Lil A

 I'm going to write about this common topic which makes some people  awkward or uncomfortable . I'm not sure why that is  the case.. There will be atleast one person with an uterus around you either at home or at work or at school or anywhere in your town. Yes this post is about Mensural cycle - The big taboo M and my conversations with Lil A about it.  Did I tell you I don't filter my thoughts and we talk about it.. Often For as long as I can remember, periods are painful, sick and exhausting. My mom said it will get better once I get married. It only got worse as you get old from 10 days to 3 weeks leaving a week off in a month without pain. In that 3 weeks , mood goes on a roller coaster ride ,  doesn't stop with one ride but a whole a theme park .. non-stop , your headache hits the roof for few days and to make the party super fun add in some cramps & body aches. By then  you don't feel any part of the body.  For those of you reading this who haven't exp