
Showing posts from July, 2021

Fulfilled promise to Santa!!

Every year Santa leaves a response note for A's letters, last year  as always A wrote a nice letter and Santa responded back appreciating his good behaviour and insisted him to start including FRUITS in his diet. I'm cap'ing fruits coz it is one of the battle, rather I call it a war that we were losing with A. It was giving G sleepless nights (not exaggerating!!).  Back story, we moved to South Korea when A was around a year old baby. He loved his breakfasts with fruits and yogurt and his childcare Korean lunches kimbap, soup, kogi & kimchi. We returned back to Australia when he was 3.5 yrs old, it was big change for him to adapt & adjust/include new culture/people/language/food in his routine. During that process, he lost appetite to any fruits and yogurt. He loved his yogurt/cheese/fruits while we were in Korea. What we found in the process is that taste varied from what we had there and  what we got here which made him totally avert these things. I didn't pu

Dealing with loss without closure!

  Its been almost a year since we lost my father in-law due to Covid. We still haven’t came out of denial, we don’t know how to. Coping with loss without any closure or emotional support is hard. Closure : Pic source When it happened last year, my husband was in complete shock. Year on, he still says he should’ve saved his dad. The guilt of not being next to his dad to provide moral support during those weeks is forever to live with. I still remember   the day his dad called us and said he has light temperature and going for Covid test. We didn’t think much since covid spread in the town where he lived was not high, we thought it is just a precautionary action. Probably that was the last time hubby spoke to his dad in full conscious. Same day FIL got admitted into hospital , slowly within 2 days he went to critical state and we never had a chance to speak to him after that. It escalated quickly from having