
Showing posts from September, 2017

Sorry for saying Sorry!!

My day doesn't go without having a Aww or Sigh  mommy moment.  Just amazed by A's cheekiness as you know from my prev posts and his clever responses. Sometimes I forget I'm a parent, I give up and laugh by his response.. I’m not alone in this, I’m sure every parent go through this.. Here I'm capturing my recent Aww and Sigh mommy moments. This poster below just reminds me of A. Also I couldn't get anything better for this post..  PC:google images/Pinerest - This totally reminds me of A!! I start with my Awww moments Last weekend, I had a bad headache and I could feel the pain in my eyes..We were going to a b’day party, pain didn’t go away even after taking the meds.. A was so sweet to share his chocolate from his  goodie bag. I don’t know whether it’s the chocolate or the love(just saying!!) , it eased my pain.. I read about it later, apparently chocolates have an impact on headache!! Next day when we went out , he carefully packed a chocolate fo

Boy or Girl!!

Before I start off , I want to clarify the title. No! I’m not going to talk about gender of my next child and Nope! I’m not pregnant either..I know I disappointed you, next time you better know me before you expect!!  haha.. not kidding.. What am I talking about!? Obviously about Friends.. Does it matter whether they are Girls or boys? Personally if you'd ask me, I don't think so.. Friends are friends.. I still think I had best of conversations/arguments with my friends who are both boys and girls. And for some reason, when I moved to OZland my circle reduced to few best friends who understands and knows exactly what I want to hear from them when I need them!!.. That's me!! I started thinking about this when A stopped playing with his kinder GF- E.. He used to adore her like anything, play with her on the days she is in(she is not full time in his kinder) and wouldn’t stop talking about her.   ‘E’ is such a lovely lil one with cute smile. Last week she showed

Positivism for better world!!

My usual weekday starts with a cup of tea with G..Its the best time for us, that’s actually the only time we get to talk quietly without little brat interrupting us “Excuse me Amma! Can I talk  now!”. Today A woke up early with me, but G was trying to make him go back to sleep. I was alone having my tea , I took my laptop for some browsing. God knows why I started with the NEWS page. Within minutes, I regretted. I see ONLY sad news- its like we live in the SAD world- ONLY thing happening around us are  burglary/rape/kidnap/murder/how politicians deceiving the world .. There is no SIGN of positive news to start with.. It really got me and I closed my laptop.  However, the “stuff” from the NEWS running in my head still. I don’t feel good. By then G has given up making A sleep. A comes out and gives me a hug(Blessed).I would have accepted a meaningful hug from anyone by that time to make me feel better. Iam lucky that I have 2 souls who does it often to remind me they are there