Positivism for better world!!

My usual weekday starts with a cup of tea with G..Its the best time for us, that’s actually the only time we get to talk quietly without little brat interrupting us “Excuse me Amma! Can I talk  now!”.

Today A woke up early with me, but G was trying to make him go back to sleep. I was alone having my tea , I took my laptop for some browsing. God knows why I started with the NEWS page. Within minutes, I regretted. I see ONLY sad news- its like we live in the SAD world- ONLY thing happening around us are  burglary/rape/kidnap/murder/how politicians deceiving the world.. There is no SIGN of positive news to start with.. It really got me and I closed my laptop.  However, the “stuff” from the NEWS running in my head still. I don’t feel good.

By then G has given up making A sleep. A comes out and gives me a hug(Blessed).I would have accepted a meaningful hug from anyone by that time to make me feel better. Iam lucky that I have 2 souls who does it often to remind me they are there for me. I felt alive again.

I don’t want to ignore these news which ALSO happens in this world and I really feel helpless when I read about it. But I still believe there are more positive things we should be reminded off and thankful for every day. Even in the misery, people help each other and be kind to each other. We read those stories often and we see pictures of KINDNESS from the recent natural disaster too.

Am I getting too emotional? The real human touch aka KINDNESS become so boring to read?? Why can’t these NEWS headlines start with some achievements or good stories about people who make changes in lives?

The news I read in the morning kept coming to me even after I reach my metro station. While waiting for my usual train, I felt like smiling at a stranger to feel better and to tell myself this isn’t a BAD day.  I’m looking around!!! People are obsessed with their mobile phones- Not looking up to smile or to say Good Morning!!

I boarded the train hoping to get an eye contact with another human (!!!) .. no luck again!! My fellow passengers are busy either sleeping or predominantly looking at their mobile or reading a book.. By now, I’m desperate to acknowledge another human (Now I sound like a Person from Sci-fi movie stuck in a planet with no humans!!! I know Im so dramatic!!!)..

I decided to do my morning walk today no matter what happens (that bloody rain can't stop me today!!). So I get down one stop prior to my usual one and see my friend (I’m blessed again) who is waiting for me, seeing her I felt much better.. We start to walk through the usual park, the trees, the greens, that little drizzle rain drops and the nature that made a shift in my mood. I’m really thankful to see/feel this and especially today!!  

We have so much to appreciate around us, so much to be thankful for and so much positivism around us.  I know whats in the NEWS stands true(Well!!) but I’m helpless which makes me SAD. What I can do at this very minute is be kind.

For me, Kindness matters the MOST, Kindness makes me a living thing (I say living thing because we see and hear lot of kindness stories animals do too, which is not limited to Human). I am part of the bigger picture- BETTER WORLD.

Note: I'm not usually this DRAMA QUEEN.. Don't get me wrong, I read news everyday but usually  during my break at work. So why whinging about it now you may ask!! its just I felt this way today.  


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