How difficult is to be difficult..

When I think about people being difficult at times or even imagining myself acting that difficult person in any particular situation, does it feel good? not sure. This thought comes to my mind when I think about my recent flight trip. This person who sat next to me had the seat spot light on the whole flight time(about 7hrs).Ok agree that why its seat spot light. But it was really bright (considering the local time at my place was almost 10pm and its sleep time) and worst part was that person was actually not doing anything expect watching a video in his/her mobile.. Then I thought about it, should I act all difficult and  ask the person to switch off the light or just go with it for rest of the flight. I don't know, what do you think I should've done.

 If I ask her to switch off the light, and she doesn't then it causes a uncomfortable situation for the rest of the flight time. Or just live with it and not sleep at all whole time.. I did the later and I didn't like it, making myself tired next day..This is not just this situation, I do this all the time, when a situation arise I really keep quite and just don't want to deal with it in a difficult way ,I prefer to deal with it quietly and just wish it wont happen again. But then I don't enjoy being quite too. I tried being difficult few times but I didnt like it either..

Well I guess its very  difficult  to be difficult.


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