Happy B'day Mums..

This is going to be my personal fav , not because I’m a mother.. Just because I admire every single mother in this world. Mothers don’t just imply one gender, I'm sure you agree that there are so many wonderful dads who are so true as a mother to their kids/sometimes to their spouse too. So throughout this article when I say Mother-it includes both gender who does a fantastic job of parenting.

Firstly I have to say I don’t believe in these much-hyped special days (mother’s day or father’s day or valentine’s day or friendship day etc.,).. Every day is special, every day we are reminded of these people the way we do things or a place or a food or could be anything you could relate to them. Don’t you agree with me.. I choose to write this post this week because I see Mother’s day banners everywhere from Cinemas, retail shops, restaurants, even at my son’s day care..And moreover my mum's bday coming up very soon..  Good reason to write something about it..   

Like I said before mothers can’t just be gender based nor the feeling itself. I know lot of wonderful mothers who thinks their pets are their kids.. I’m sure they go unnoticed and there are lot of single mothers/dads who does a job of two. And there are mothers who takes care of their sick kids and there are mothers who lost their kids and there are mothers who look after less-privileged kids by sacrificing their life (like Mother Teresa). Everyone needs to be celebrated and appreciated. To all the mothers/mothers-to-be my big salute to you for giving me inspiration every day..

I have to say my first hero is my mother who is a strong-minded person, keep me grounded all the time, but always encouraging.  She knew I’m not as great as her other 2 kids.. But she always encouraged me saying not all fingers are same. From this person I learnt so much about life. Never seen her complain about people nor talk bad about anyone. She loves travelling and a great foodie.. Loves her kids equally. My mother I can proudly say very forward thinking.. I really wish I would try to be atleast 10% like her- more tolerating, less frustrated in life..  Now that I have a kid, I really appreciate all the things she did for me. She is the first friend who I would  call anytime of the day. When I'm down, she has the magic word to get me going. I'm still scared of her when I'm doing something she wouldn’t approve of (cutting my hair short is one of them.. ha ha) . I'm who I'm now mostly because of her.

Her grand kids would agree with me now for sure how tech-savvy she is.. My brother once asked her whether she wants Amazon Kindle.. Her response was ‘can I do face time in that?’ My brother said No, its just to read books.. She is like I’m happy with my IPad and I can read books in that too.. ha ha..  Classic..

Don’t want to talk about her beauty.. She has this glow in her face, which makes us girls (both daughters and granddaughters) jealous.. We used to always tease her for the attention she gets when we go out with her..  She is the best cook I know of but a terrible recipe teller.. Whenever she tells me recipes, she always always miss something and when you remind her, She would be like I thought you know that.. errr..

I must learn from her to be more adventurous .. She toured America alone (not even with my dad) like 25 yrs back when she hardly knew any English nor had an internet/mobile… I really don’t know how she managed to do that without a thought of getting lost somewhere..

I think I can keep on going with this.. But don’t want to bore you.. Writing this made me realize how much she inspired me. It just happens to be her birth day this week.. Happy b’day Ma!!! Wish you all the goodness and great health for years to come..  I doubt she will read this.. because I never told her I have a blog!!! Maybe I should send her this link..hmm... 

Don’t forget to tell your mother how special he/she is..
Happy Mother’s day everyone.. 



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