Growing Old...

Growing old.. Not sure how counting our life by days has any purpose.. I really feel age/number doesn’t make the person old.. I cant imagine some of my close buddies when they say the number I cant/don’t want to accept it.. I really feel their age just froze in my mind as who they were when I saw them first because they never changed..they are the same fun-to-be/always-be-there-for-me person like I always known them.. 

Again the number doesn’t count as one to be old. Coz I know some really old people(of any age) who doesn’t have any motivation to stay young and some kids (like me!! Duh!!!) act like one all the time. You shouldn’t stop yourself doing something just because your number is big.. I read somewhere You get old when you stop having fun. Why do we need to restrict ourselves just coz of some number..No one is stopping us, maybe people around criticize but they always do.. why bother..

Meaning of Fun varies for each individual, Its completely up to the person. Fun for me is exploring new places/food/shopping/travel/Being myself. Challenge me, I’m up for it.

Lot of inspiring young people in their 60’s or 70 olds (I call them young coz they truely are in their heart) achieve so much like this person and so many others..  looks like I have manyyy more years to do something purposeful.. 

Why am I talking about age/number you may ask, because my bday is coming up in months’ time.. I’m very much excited but I fixed my age completely in 20’s.. So don’t ever ask me that question.. I don’t have any plans changing my number/age in the near future..

It may be confusing to read the post because I started as though I don't believe in big nos but ended up saying I'm not accepting the big numbers..Sounds confusing right!!!? but I'm clear on my choices..


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