Perspective Thinking..

How same situation or same tone of the voice is viewed differently depending on your mood, your interest, your knowledge   and the most important one- your take on the person who is delivering it. It could be a conversation or an argument or a statement or a discussion or even a situation.  Sometimes I will sit with my friends hearing the same conversation with someone... But my friends view might be completely different from mine and vice versa.


A friend of mine once told me that change your perspective in a positive way, so you won’t see the negatives even if it was intended... I tried in places where I know negative vibes were there, but I’m not a saint to follow in every not-so-positive circumstances.. Sometimes negative thoughts hit us and it’s not nice... We keep thinking about it, putting lot of different perspective to it... that affect us even more..

But saying that, sometimes I fix my opinion on things before I start to hear/look at it... So my perspective is biased on the fixed opinion.

Can perspective be looked at the way you do things too? Maybe, I do things differently than you do. A problem can have ‘n’ solutions, depends on the situation/personal choice we decide to go with a solution. Situation can be viewed differently too! 

It’s all in a way we look at things... Isn’t?

This is my random rambling/ scribbles... If you can understand what I’m saying then explain it to me too...


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