Rules are to be broken!! But not this one..

Every one of us has a rulebook that we follow every day for everything (puff!! that’s too many Every in one sentence!!)..

Let me explain, in my rule book I have a rule to keep in touch with people I care about, it could be a message /mail/ phone call just to say hello. It could be different for others who does not message/call/mail (not even respond) unless it’s an emergency... it’s completely fine by their rulebook. see what I mean??  There is no right or wrong because everyone’s rulebook is different.

Rulebooks are made of rules, which you think its right and you follow them without any guilt. If something doesn’t go well by your rule book, you tend to feel guilty or bad  and try to fix it. Well, sometimes you don’t fix because of e-g-o. In my case, I tend to feel guilty everytime I raise my voice with A. This could be in  every mum's rulebook (Maybe not!!)

Basic rules in your rulebook would have been inherited/defined/Influenced from your parents/religion/background/teachers/ friends/ siblings/your own observation/circumstances/experience.

Basic morals and manners are decided as part of a community/social group we belong-to, is also part of the rulebook e.g Can’t walk naked in the streets! Nahah!!. We keep updating our rulebook based on our experience and knowledge around us; occasionally we take influence from our rulebook cohorts. Oftentimes we question our rules and update them to suit us – Its ok to skip Sunday mass once a while – I mean it’s not like I don’t think about GOD.. Right!!

I started to think more about this rule book, mainly because often we meet people in our life they don’t realise what they said or done in a situation to hurt others. However, they are not wrong according to their rulebook.  They wouldnt know how you received it or what is in your rulebook unless you communicate. We wonder life is not fair sometimes. However, when you think about it, it is fair to someone else.

PC:Google Images

Based on my analysis(Ahem!!) on this rulebook, we tend to like people whose rules match or agree with your own. Problem arises when one tries to change others rules or expect others to follow their rules especially from family and friends who we just take for granted.

 We often forget that we don’t have to be liked by everyone and our rulebook doesn’t have to match with everyone else.

Rulebooks are complicated.. I have to remind myself about this before I judge anyone.

Rules are meant to be broken, but unconsiciously we follow this rulebook without giving it a thought.


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