Am I losing my mind??

I used to be that person who remembers every detail of an incident/requirement in my project/meeting notes/an issue at work/an email which came few months back etc., Not just remembers, remember to the last detail. Senior colleague of mine used to check with me the recap of last meeting before we meet our vendors. Yes, I am so proud of it..Why not!!! ..  I’m sure what you are thinking now “Where are you going with self-praising post of yours’ ?”  

Okay, I think I’m becoming a DORY!!  What!!!.Okay, NOT that dramatic yet!! But seems like I’m getting there. Those who haven’t watched Finding Dory yet, I’m talking about Forgetfulness or Absent-mindedness!! Recently, I'm experiencing lot of  'Oopsy I forgot' moments especially I forget where I keep my precious things, my important appointments, my tasks and actions. Remembering the last detail become thing of the  past.

One good example from last week is when I forgot A’s water bottle to his tennis class.. How did I do that? I think when I took my book from bed side table, I kept the water bottle in that place. A’s reaction was ‘Dad never forgets my bottle’.. oh well baby!! I’m losing my mind here, forgetting a bottle was not that BAD..

I know I always almost always keep important things like passport, jewels etc., safe.. So safe that I don’t remember where I keep them!!! One relief is that I’m sure I kept it safe, so it can’t be lost or stolen. I trust myself to that.

We recently went to India for Diwali (Yahh!!!) , before I went on vacation I put all my watches in a nice box and I remember keeping it somewhere safe!!. Return back after 2 weeks, I’m still searching.. Real-Tragedy is I forgot to tell A or G this time coz they weren’t home when I did it.. What do I do now?? Good luck to me until I find them..I’m sure it is safe somewhere.. My house is a treasure hunt I say!!! I’m sure there are things I don’t remember I kept it safe.. When I do find it, its like ‘Oh yea!! I had this!! I remember this!!!’ Moment.

To help me with my absent-mindedness, I started writing a To-do list in my phone and sometimes I use sticky notes.. Having a checklist for everything- I write them and tick them off as I do.. Check list to make dinner list, Shopping list, To-do list for weekend etc.,  This works brilliant..

Another lifesaver is Calendar in my phone.   I make sure any future actions/events like movie day at kinder or A have to take lunch tomorrow - everything must go in my calendar. My calendar is so full with everyday actions <‘Time to go HOME’ at 4pm.. > more than any actual meeting items or appointments.. haha..

Another good one is taking a picture of the things Im sure I will forget. Like when I park my car, I take a picture so I know where to come..  Keeping up.. 

Worst part in all of this is I missed A’s class twice this year because I completely forgot he had class that day ..What an Awful mother!!!  Most horrible part is there is no refund or make up class if you miss it. Expensive Lesson learnt - all his classes are now been added to my calendar.

So I thought I will check it online about forgetfulness.. Harvard blog says there are 7 common causes..

11.    Lack of Sleep : Hello!!! People who know me know how much I sleep.. I sleep before A sometimes.. There is no way this is the cause here.
22.    Underactive Thyroid: I checked thyroid 3 times this year, even my doctor thought it is a medical miracle that it is normal.. what can I say!!!
33.    Stress and Anxiety: hmm.. I’m not saying I don’t have stress..but I forget what it is..
44.    Alcohol: Couldnt be!! 
55.    Depression: I don’t feel sad or depressed. I’m that person who makes fun of any situation.. so this is not me..
66.      Medication :Nope
77.    Drugs : Not in my senses..

Thats the end of list!!! Really!!!? That’s all you got Harvard??!!! Even Harvard doesn’t help me solve my problem.. so I started to analyse my problem myself (Ahem Ahem!)..

When did it start? Let me think!! I don’t think I had this 2 years back when I stayed home.. I know my day and my routine well enough. I’m not suggesting staying home will solve my problem here.. It also matters A’s activities has increased.. Bday parties, activities in Kinder like bring a book/dress up day/crazy hair day, his classes along with my own activities..  Add to that, I started work..

Juggling Work/home/A/Bday parties/Actions to be done at school/A’s classes etc., I think I’m constantly thinking about whats next and the To-Do list in my mind.. I tend to forget the crucial things.  Sometimes, I keep telling myself to do something when I reach home. But the minute I enter home, I forget about that and only to remember it next day.

I’m sure there are lot more of “my-type” people exists in this world(Same pinch!!).. My recommendation for you is NOT to panic, just have a TO-DO list (App or sticky notes or simply a notebook) and Calendar (or old fashioned Diary) filled up and take pictures(Memento style).. They are our lifesavers for now. We are not doomed yet!!

Upside is I have a SON who remembers everything, so all I need to do is to tell him before I forget and he will remind me later. Thank God for that!! Another Upside for G is, truly I forget the arguments and details of it these days!! I need to find a way for this!!! Maybe record our arguments?? Not a good idea.. I think I will leave it as it is.. More Peace at home!! 

What was I saying now!!!?? Shooot forgot already!!!
Before I forget, Adios Amigos.. 


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