Aren't we all??

What do you know about Avatars?? If you know me well, this post isn't about James Cameron’s Avatar or Lord Vishnu’s* Avatar.  Its about A’s understanding of Avatar.. There are days he gets in to my nervous (and vice versa) , but there are times he just takes me by surprise.

Few days back I was talking to G about a book I was reading and the topic went on to Buddha.. as always A interrupts us and asks ‘Who is Buddha?’

Me: He is another God or Angel who came to help us.. Like Jesus, Rama.. Another Avatar of God..

A: what is Avatar?

Me: Avatar is another form of same thing.. like Vishnu Swamy taking different avatars to helps us, he came down as Turtle, Fish, lion, Krishna ....

After few minutes... 
A: Ma, you know even we are avatars??!

Me: <Blank> okayyyy!!??

A: When we were little we look different and as we grow we keep changing..So we also have different Avatars just like Vishnu Swamy.. 

Me:  <Totally surprised by his response..Still I’m.. Went  completely speechless..>

A: You never thought of it this way, didn't you?? <Totally teasing!!>

Me: No babe... you are so brilliant!!!

This is A!!! he brings in  new perspective from no-where and takes me by surprise.. I love it..Did I say I just love being a Mum..

This picture collage of A reminds me how much he changed and grown up with so much attitude.. Like A says he has many avatars already.. This is just the beginning, lot more to come I guess..

Thinking more about what A said, I think he is correct about our avatars..Each of us have different faces(not physical face) for different people.. I do!! I have a family face, work face, polite social talk face etc.,I don't act the same to everyone, depends on how much I know or comfortable with the situation/people.

We also go through life phases in which we constantly upgrade/downgrade ourselves for better or worse depends on the choice we make. I  might look physically same from last year but may or may not be emotionally wiser than last year..The lesson learnt from every experience will change me inside out.. so thats my new avatar..

Do you agree too that we all have different avatars? which one you enjoy(ed) the most? I think I like myself in the present form the best..This would be my answer anytime you ask.. coz I believe in PRESENT. I let you think for now..


*Lord Vishnu is the second god in Hinduism.  Hinduism consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world. The other two gods are Brahma and Shiva. Brahma is the creator of the universe and Shiva is the destroyer.


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