Start of Pandemic

2020 started off with travel plans, wedding plans, big birthday plans, investment plans for so many of us.. Everything is put off  when the world realized the seriousness of Corona Virus. When it was within the walls of China, it was just some one else problem, when it happened in Italy and Iran, developed countries just blamed their administration. Right now when the reality kicks in for  developed countries, they are failing big time.

Anxiety is building up for small businesses and those who are in non-essential jobs, many already waiting for aid from the government. Government is struggling to focus on two equally important issues, one is to address COVID and protect the citizens at the same time making sure the economy doesn't fall.  I don't think this situation can be avoided, but can be controlled. Sitting in our living room we can criticize the decision made by the powers of administration, reality is they need to balance health and economy to sustain.

As a responsible human being, we can do our part by

  • Be considerate about others when we buy things, don't buy for months or  stock up for year(s).
  • Taking one day at a time, don't plan or think too much about next week or even tomorrow. Things are changing quickly, its beyond our control.  
  • Be kind to yourself .. Sometimes even the brave ones need support. I can speak for myself, I always deal with the problem instead of worrying. But at this time of uncertainty, I need to reassure myself and be kind to myself instead of telling myself to be brave and stay strong. 
  • Stay home as much as possible and don't go out unless its a necessity.
  • Reduce media/news time, too much information is not good as well.(esp the videos posted out of context going viral everywhere)
Talk about timing,  I started new job last week when COVID cases started to increase in my state. Day 1 at work with literally few people here and there, was a complete cultural shock (new ways of working culture). WFH is not new to many of us, I did it in my previous job  weekly to balance home/work. Now doing it full time without physically meeting my new team members is challenging. Daily stand ups help me understand and get familiar with my team. Virtual Friday drinks and virtual coffees are helping me bond with the new team/workplace. This is not the future we are living in, this is the present reality. Embrace it.

Schools are closed until foreseeable time, its not easy when fulfilling the work and home responsibility full time. Lets not beat ourselves to run home schooling and do full time work.. Its highly unlikely rather unrealistic to expect especially  primary/elementary kids to do their activities on their own at home with no friends. Set realistic expectation, don't stress if they don't complete.. Its  new way of learning for them with no teachers, classmates, recess and playtime.. give them time to get used to it. I sit with my son every night after dinner to plan next day activities, I will make him decide the tasks for next day.  We write down even the simple things like brushing teeth in the list of tasks, when he ticks it next day as and when he does it, he feels accomplished. We can slowly increase the tasks /activities once he settle down with his new way of learning.

I'm planning to use this time to get back in to my blog writing, planning to keep a journal and try to keep in touch with my long last friends who I haven't spoken in years. Whats your plan?


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