2020 - Year we learnt to spell Quarantine and Pandemic

2020- What did I do? hmm.

Lets see, we had new year then its all blurrrr like groundhog day. Mostly eat-Netflix-eat-sleep-eat then Eat again.. yup! I ate a lot which meant I cooked a lot. Mostly due to A's encouragement ,it is hard to pass. He keeps saying 'Mom you are the best noodle maker/omelette maker or cake maker" although it is easy to delusion him with sugar.  He is seriously thinking about a new business plan - Laksa bar and I will be his chef. As flattering as it sounds, trust me its not easy to tell 8YO making Maggie noodles doesn't count as master chef. 

There is a possibility that I ruined his taste bud with my precautions covid plan of no-take-outs or eat-outs until this virus vanishes. Shhh.. Im sure he can get his taste back in few years once we can eat out.

Don't let me start with my marathon mania, Im talking about Netflix marathon, not the real one.Duh!! Do you even know me. All those Netflix script writers taking 2 or 4yrs to write those 8 seasons which I finish in a week is pretty dope.

A and I did lot of things together - Baking, pot painting, Ramayana story board, everyday lunch time walks, inventing new games for our walk (naming movies,TV shows, shop names, cities, countries etc.,).. Covid gave us lot of bonding time, memories.. 

I tried to do more zoom calls with my cousins and relatives, A got to know some of them. I think we might meet in person when I visit India next time.

Second half of 2020 went down cliff-head first kinda time, I dont know how 6 months have passed..it really felt lonng. First we lost few of beloved family members, staying home in lock down didn't help me cope with the loss/supporting each other in tough times.. I felt kinda lost, never felt more anxious than this time. Lot of questions/confusions/whats right & wrong/guilt/reasoning/questions. 

I must thank my parents for making me believe in myself all the time. Growing up hearing Im not good in anything never stopped me moving forward. Made me more resilient, I don't complicate things, I'm pragmatic, I don't dwell on missed opportunities or my failures..I pick myself up and move on. Im so glad I practiced it all through my life that helped me in tough times to make big decisions, trusting me/my gut feel and sticking to it whether it meant ruining my life. Made me realise Im a risk taker..  

So grateful for few of those who stood by me,  supported/guided me.Looking back last 6 months, big pat on my back for holding up and not giving up on myself. I made it through half-way and rest should be ok to deal with.

I now have more respect and love towards nature, I feel home when Im out there.. It has an impact to calm me. Im spending most of my weekends exploring new places around me that can make me feel home. It is definitely a spiritual awakening.

Look forward to explore more about myself in coming years and pass on the wisdom to A. A is god sent gift for me, Im truly grateful for his company. He inspires me everyday with his positivity.  He can sense my mood and say the right thing to calm me. He is very compassionate and empathetic at the same time he is crazy and funny. love him to the moon/sun/all around galaxy and back..


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