Bula Vanakka to me

Its been exactly a year since I blogged properly, I felt lost for a while.. Woke up today with memories in FB showing one of my old post and that motivated me to get back to my space. 

where do I start? Guess I can start with what I enjoy the most- writing about my conversations with lil A . Lil A stayed home almost 5 to 6 months in last 1 yr with 4 lockdowns.  Pretty much staying home together for that long made us Tom and Jerry.. Just without violence..and more endless arguments for anything from who gets the snack from pantry or switch off lights at night to everything.. 

Recently he started saying "Amma, you are so annoying!!" often... and in few minutes he gives a hug or kiss to cool me down. 

March'21 I went for a weekend getaway with my GFs to Keyneton, stayed 2 nights and 3 days.. I called G after dropped my friends .. A picked up the phone, and the conversation went like this.. 

Me: Hi baby!!
A  Where are you? When will you be home amma?
Me: I will be home in an hour..
A: How was your trip? 
Me: It was great da kanna..
A: Tell me everything from Friday night!! Did you pick everyone up? how did all luggage fit in your car trunk? your car is small!! and who did you pick first?
Me: Yes, I picked everyone and it was all small bags.So fitted fine. I picked Auntie G first then Auntie A then Auntie F..
A:  What time you reached there?
Me: We reached around 7.  That house was huge , it was beautiful.. We must go sometime.
A: Did you go out to eat dinner after checking in?  
Me: We stayed home and had light dinner we took from home. Auntie F got bread, cheese and olives.
A: ok!! then what did you do on Saturday?
Me: we had workshop that morning then we did some shopping and we went out for dinner.. Thats it.
A: what did you do today? Why it took so long to come home?
Me: Today we decided to stop at Mt.Macedon on our way back. We spent some time at the autumn festival and went up the mountain and came back walking 5km. it was a beautiful day.
A: Nice.. What was the best part of your trip?
Me: The workshop and then the stop over at Macedon
A: ok.. How long for you to reach home?
Me: Maybe another 40 mins.. 
A: thats long time!! 
Me: I know baby!  I will be there soon.. How was your weekend? 

I must say NO one ever was curious about me ever before. It felt nice someone was listening with full attention to something that happened to me.. Usually I would feel shy, but he had the way to ask questions it felt genuine ,  he showed interest in every detail without trying to get attention to himself. I think if only I can do this , it will be a great thing to make others special.  

Sometimes he treats me like a baby and  most times I treat him like an adult. I think it worked well this way.. Every night before bed, he would say "I will stay with you for 5 mins and go to my bed".. He would hug and ask "How was your day amma?" My ans is usually "good".. Then he goes " what was the best part today?" .. He reminds me to think consciously to be grateful for simple things. 

In this uncertain times, A thought me to be kind , be grateful and show interest in others genuinely.

After the 2nd lockdown, I was lil down(More like Volcano down).. We both went for shopping, we stopped at Guess and I loved this bag.. I asked him "should I get this?" He said" Why are you asking me when you are the one paying?" I said,  Just tell me ..He replied " Buy it amma!!!" This boy I tell you, such a great company anytime when I need some cheer for shopping. 

I also remember the time we visited Buckingham palace'19 and checking out the sovinier shop..He was only 7yrs then, he told me " Amma, you deserve something from here.. Get anything,  I will pay for it" when he had no idea about $$..  My sweet laddoo ever.. 

Im so grateful for the past year, the year with lot of uncertainty, personal loss, miss seeing my parents but lil kindness from A everyday just kept me sane. 

This post is going to remind me of the good times from past year when I ever think about 2020.. Something to remind me to smile and be grateful for..

More in my next post.. Caio.. 


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