Nothingness improvised

Its been a while I have done any blogging, not because Im busy or gotten other interests.. Just endless browsing reels keeps me away from doing anything productive. Well, don't judge me. I know you do too.

As the saying goes "time flies" ,  its true between Jan 2020 and Jan 2024. I feel like we time travelled forward in a snap. I wish the grief and pain could vanish in a snap too. 

My lil A is not little anymore, kinda entering pre-teen in few weeks. It is not challenging for me as a parent. It is challenging for him to parent me. Well, someone has to be responsible in the house.. He choose to be the one.. You will understand if you know me well!!

He thinks he is a smarty pant when it comes to arguments. His come back and the counter arguments are instantaneous and they are always satired.

He still hate his school camp for the food and toilets. Thank god it's done and dusted already this year. Worst thing is out of his way. 

Before he boarded his camp bus, I could see he was little nervous and doesn't want to show it. I gave him this pep talk about how good is to be doing sleep over with friends and play whole day blah blah.. He turned around and said "You just want to get ride off me, don't you?".. I couldn't stop myself , I said  "Partly that!! but.. ".  He then continued saying, don't have fun without me. Just stay home.. 

Yes, as  responsible parents ofcourse we took those camp days off and booked a nice resort for a romantic getaway.. Shhhh.. The minute he got in to the car after the camp, he took my phone to see whether I went for any fancy dinner or bowling. luckily all the evidences were removed..I'm not guilty!!! hehe.. 

Today when I  picked him up from school, I ask him how did his day go? he gave his usual response which is 'good'.. Then my usual follow up question "what did you do today?". His standard response is 'Nothinggg'. I was like thats what you did last year?!  His immediate comeback was "Well Im improvising!!" 

Wonder where he got this side of him!!!  <"AchuuuMEE"!!>

He advocates for his dad and him which only means we are always arguing for most worthless things like who gets more mango pieces, who gets to eat first dosa !!! you name it, we have argued atleast once for it. 

Im not proud of it all. Im trying to be a good parent. It is a continuous learning process.  I don't think I can master it in this lifetime. 


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