Day light savings lagged

We are aware of the jet lag, you know when you travel to a place of different timezone, your body would still work in previous timezone. However no one talks about this lag that comes with Daylight savings change. 

Recently we turned our clocks back an hour, I noticed I have been exhausted by 7pm and going to bed by 7.30 (and actually sleeping by 8). I thought it was just long day with work, workout and school holidays  drop off /pickup, house work and all of it. but this has happened consecutively last 3 days. That made me think, its not me its the TIME CHANGE that impacted my routine.  Now Im hungry early and want to sleep an hour early.  

By the time I get used to this new time, Spring starts for 'new' new time change and it feels like a vicious cycle. Having said that adjusting to Spring time never felt this hard, I get to sleep early even Im not tired. But turning the clock back an hour is a nightmare.

On the brighter note, we are now officially in the best season of the year. Nature teaching us the art of letting go gracefully and beautifully. Its time to not just reset the time, time to rest and let go of the negatives (things, people, thoughts) and start welcoming the new members (hope, friendships, habits, routine).

Let me soak in the colors, and the morning chillness. So grateful to walk in the colorfully painted gardens almost every other day.  Caio.


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